
Red Plum Beauty Group offers a full suite of services to bring your product concepts to shelf and site.

  • You have the vision. We make it a reality by creating products that embody your brand identity and are celebrated by your customers. Read more.

  • Whether you are selling nationally or internationally, we help you navigate the complex labyrinth of regulations and regulatory bodies that make rules that affect every aspect of your business.  Learn more.

  • While your products are in development, we can build your website and prepare your go-to-market strategy for sharing your brand and products across all social media channels. Read more.

  • For anything we can’t do on our own, we have a broad network of trusted and seasoned experts who can provide services across any aspect of your business. We help you to understand and manage these relationships, providing crucial information on how to most efficiently and effectively get as much value for your business from your industry partners. Learn more.

Formulation & Product Development

Whether it’s your first product, or you’re overhauling a complete collection to meet specific retailer standards, our experts can help you get this done effectively and efficiently.

We strive to understand your vision, voice and target demographic so we can help you create products that embody your brand identity and are celebrated by your customers. We develop complete briefs with effective marketing strategies to achieve your goals. These will support your internal teams fulfill the product’s full lifecycle.

Our decades of experience include countless launches of efficacious formulas that get buzz and result in tremendous sales.  Proficiencies include clean beauty, high-performance color, effective skincare and more.

We have close-knit relationships with labs, manufacturers, and raw material companies to build you unique, tailor-made products at the best prices and quickest time to market. 

We source innovative and cost-effective packaging that reflects your brand ethos and appeals to your customers. From standard lip gloss tubes to patented molds, we aim to elevate your customer experience while simultaneously prioritizing business needs such as minimum order quantity (MOQ), lead times and cost. Our vast network and strong negotiating skills yield unparalleled packaging to house your formulas. RPBG relentlessly sources components in the following categories: Luxe, Sustainable, Eco-friendly, and trend so that options are at the ready.

Regulatory & Compliance

Whether you are selling nationally or internationally, we have your back.  Compliance is not something that brands think about very much, particularly in their early stages, but it is a crucial component of your success. It’s a complex labyrinth of regulations and regulatory bodies that make rules that affect every aspect of your business.  Having your ducks in a row before you sell a product is crucial to mitigate the risks that could compromise the success of your business. We will take care of all your regulatory and compliance needs so you can be laser-focused on developing and marketing your brand. 

Packaging: Using the wrong materials or incorrectly organizing your packaging can be costly and leave your products stranded with the FDA or their international equivalents. We make sure that your packaging is compliant in all of your target markets.  

Labeling: Many companies mislabel their products, and there are recent high-profile examples that have created customer service nightmares and cost companies vast amounts of money in legal fees and pay-outs.  You don’t want your labels to wreck your business. We provide in-depth reviews of all your labels and manage your labeling process so that you can rest easy knowing that your labeling will always be compliant in your target markets.  

Formula review and recommendations: We will use your standards, your blacklists, your customers’ blacklists, and all international regulations to ensure that your formulas are always on track for successful sale in your target markets.  Want to use a range of active ingredients for your suite of skincare products? We know where to get them and, most importantly, where they were made, what materials they use, who made them, and how they were tested.  We can help you proudly tell your customers what is in your products and what they were made without. 

Manufacturing compliance:  We work with a network of trusted manufacturers and we can vouch for their good practices and compliance with the most recent international standards.  If you have a preferred manufacturer, we can work directly with them to make sure that they meet these stringent requirements and provide us with all of the documentation we need.

Customer-Facing Deep Customer Service (e-commerce + end-user customer + press): Your customers will have many questions about your products. Are they vegan? Is your Mica mined in India? I’m allergic to tocopherols, will your night cream give me a rash? Which of your products contain silicones and why did you choose these silicones over other raw materials?  We will work with your chosen customer service providers to answer any formula-related questions. This is especially seamless when we are managing your e-commerce, fulfillment, and customer service as part of our e-commerce package. 

Customer facing compliance (wholesale and distribution): We are your ‘in-house’ compliance team. We respond to customer requests for compliance documentation. 

International Registration: Every country has different requirements for registering your products before they are sold in their territory.  Even registering one product in one country is a time-consuming and costly process. We have international representatives in most countries and can create and process all of the documentation you need to enter these markets. 

International Representation: Most countries require that a local entity be the party responsible for your products there.  This representative deals with all of the local governmental and regulatory bodies, ensuring that duties are paid, documentation is correct,  and products are in compliance. They must be ready, at a moment’s notice, to respond to and address any regulatory concerns, assessments, and reviews. This can include sending products to local labs for testing and reporting on their findings.  We have boots on the ground to represent your company.  We know your formulas, your manufacturing partners, your packaging providers, and your labs and are best positioned to represent you on an international scale. 

(Note: We are not lawyers and do not provide legal advice. We have a trusted network of lawyers who can provide legal advice and support as needed).

E-Commerce & Digital Marketing

There’s no point in creating in-demand products if you aren’t ready to share them with the world. Red Plum Beauty Group can help with awareness, conversion, and retention through its full suite of digital marketing & e-commerce services.

Launch Strategy & Ongoing Development: Ensure that your brand puts it best face forward at launch through a highly optimized site with countdown features, email collection, SMS, and newsletter announcements. Maintain customer loyalty and excitement through leveraging the latest apps, formatting and site enhancements. Maximize retention and earned lifetime value by installing key analytic tools and highly responsive outreach.

Site Development & Optimization: Create an on-brand, user-friendly site that is easy and intuitive to update and moderate. Maximize plug-ins, apps and back-end API to increase revenue. Add key features like Loyalty and Subscription to maximize retention and ELV. Shopify is our platform of choice. 

Email Marketing: Develop automated flows and evergreen campaigns that are rich in content to fully engage your customers. Options available for optimizing existing initiatives as well. Among a suite of strategies, we can develop Dynamic Remarketing campaigns to target high intent customers who have been on site, Evergreen brand campaigns that include educational material and brand awareness to engaged audiences, and Promotional campaigns for Black Friday/Cyber Monday and other major holidays and sales seasons (Eg. Winter holidays, Valentine’s Day, Wedding Season). 

Social Media Ads: Strategize your ads to target awareness, conversion, email collection and more. Leverage your spend with Shopify audiences, competitor insights and historical data. Available platforms: Meta (FB+IG), TikTok, Snapchat, Pinterest.

Fulfillment & 3PL: We have a warehouse from which we can pack and ship every product you sell, no matter where in the world you are selling it.  

Customer Service: On-demand live-chat and sms. 

Amazon Management: We take care of everything, from managing your listings and storefront to creating branded search and defensive product listing ads.
Sales Tax Management: Every country, state, county, and city has its own sales tax requirements. We make sure that you are registered for and charging sales tax only where you need to be and that you are paying it forward to each territorial government on time. 

Manufacturing and sourcing branded auxiliary products: Need some shwag for your brand?  A branded hat, t-shirt, key ring, or water flask as a seasonal, add-on, or single product?  We know where to get the highest quality auxiliary branded products at the right price. We can help you choose them, add them to your site, source them, and ship them directly to your customers.

Deep Network: Services & Sales

For anything we can’t do on our own, we have a broad network of trusted and seasoned experts who can provide services across any aspect of your business.  We help you to understand and manage these relationships providing crucial information on how to most efficiently and effectively get as much value for your business from your industry partners. 

National and International Wholesale Sales and Distribution: If you want to move beyond e-commerce and get your product into your customers’ hands, we can connect you with our trusted network of retailers and distributors.  We know who to go to to sell your products around the globe.  If we believe that your products are the right fit for a distributor or retailer we can connect you directly with the right wholesale customers and we can help you to present and sell your product. 

Graphic Design: Our network of graphic designers can create anything from simple logos to full-on multi-category packaging masterpieces.  

Press Relations (PR): We have personal relationships with the most effective PR agencies in the business.  We will get you press. 

Content Creation: You will need tons of content to reach your target audience.  From videos to fashion and product photography, our network of creative professionals is second to none.  The most challenging part of working with creatives is usually that design and content ideas get lost in translation.  That’s where we come in.  We have intimate knowledge of your brand and get its ethos.  We will work with you to communicate your brand identity and goals in a way that creatives will quickly understand and be able to act on.  

Financing and Investment: You’re ready to reach the next level but need the cash to create those 35 shades of foundation or a few new suite of innovative skincare products.  You want to hire in-house marketing, operations, and sales.  We know who to talk to, how investors will see your company, and how to get them to understand your value proposition. 

Translation: Selling globally means selling in multiple languages. Do you know Tagalog? If not, then you won’t be able to sell in the Philippines.  No Mandarin or Hindi? Then you lost out on selling to 1/3rd of the global population.  We know the translators who can turn your website into a global marketplace.  

Accounting: Your books are the backbone of your business.  Do you know your projected cashflow? Your P&L? Simply balancing your budget can be hard, let alone getting into the nitty gritty. We’ll work with you to get to the right accounting platforms and professionals in the business.  We can translate the information they provide so that you always know where you stand financially and understand what you can do with what you have and what’s about to come in. 

Insurance: Every business needs insurance.  We will make sure that you are making the decisions to spend as little on insurance as possible while covering every aspect of your business.  Using our fulfillment center and don’t need to keep stock on hand?  Good, then you don’t need to worry about warehouse product insurance. Our warehouse already insures the value of your products. 

Legal Representation: For better or for worse, every business needs a good lawyer, and lawyers who understand the cosmetics industry are few and far between.  We know the best ones for cosmetics companies at every price and experience level across multiple types of legal disciplines.  

Business formation: What type of business should you create? Where should it be located? We have the strategy to optimize your ease of business based on the most up-to-date legislation. 

Finances and payment: What payment processors should you use? How will you manage sales tax across your different territories? How will you ensure that you are getting paid nationally and internationally? We can connect you to the tools to help you make these decisions and can manage your payments for you. 

Contracts: We can lead to you creators and managers of all of your contracts, be they among partners, with wholesalers, employees, or consultants. We’ll review these contracts and provide the contract creators and managers with the information they need to use all the right wording and get the details down correctly. 

Intellectual Property - Trademarks and Patents: What should your brand be called? Can you register and protect your trademark in your target markets? Do you have patentable tooling or components? Where should you register your mark and how do you do this in other countries?  We connect you to our trusted pros who do the research and help you make these complicated decisions and we can work together with you for all of your advanced intellectual property requirements. 

Payroll and HR document management: Looking to hire a small team to support your success? We can make sure that your employees’ feel at home in your business by guiding you to the right HR platforms and managers.  It’s crucial to ensure that there is clarity regarding their official roles and responsibilitie, that they are paid the right amount and at the right time, and most importantly, that they love working for you.  With Red Plum, you know you are using the best tools and services available to manage the most important aspect of your business, your people.